My hair journey, part 1: the decision

6 03 2013




I’ve decided to change my hair. This really is the first step in any hair journey – you need to know what you want to do before you do it (that almost sounds deep, I should write fortune cookies). Anywho, I’ve started to get a little sick of my hair. For the past year or so, I’ve had a mowhawk-like afro (shaved on the sides and sometimes the back), with a luxurious wave of afro-ness coming out of the top. It’s sort of become “my look” so therefore I’m sick of it, and have decided that it has to go. I also texturize my hair and want to start using chemicals less and having more natural curls instead of the almost-straight waves that I have now. So I’ve decided to give my hair a return to mother Africa and grow an afro. Not a super sized Solange-style one, though, I’m thinking more like the African Harry Styles (it’s a trend I will start lol).

So that’s the path I hope my hair journey will take, I hope you’ll take the hand of my blog and come for the ride with me (aka I will be liveblogging). Welcome to the Hair Games 2013, may the odds be ever in your favour.